
Boat hauling @ $5/mile


Detailing, gel coat and topcoat repair

Light detailing: Wash, compound Buff, polish and wax. ( doesn’t include inside of lockers or bottomside of hull)


Medium detail: Wash, compound Buff, polish and wax. ( includes inside of lockers and bottomside of hull)


Heavy detail: Wash, compound Buff, wax and polish, remove mildew from cushions, polish metal, restore plastics.


Gelcoat, topcoat, and spidercracks repairs: 1”-16" clean up hole/ding with 80grit, fill, paint, sand, wax and polish.



Fiberglass repairs and Core replacement

$85/hr labor rate

$120/hr labor rate with help

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Structural repair and Custom fabrication

$85/hr labor rate

$120/hr labor rate with help

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Above waterline topcoat on hull: Prep with 150+, spray 545 primer, prep with 320, spray 3 to 4 coats of preferred topcoat color.


Topside topcoat w/o nonskid: Prep with 150+, apply fairing compound(if needed), fair with 220, spray 545 primer, prep with 320, apply 3 to 4 coats of preferred topcoat color.


Topside topcoat w/ nonskid: Prep with 150+, apply fairing compound(if needed), fair with 220, spray 545 primer, prep with 320, apply 3 to 4 coats of preferred topcoat color, prep for nonskid with 150+, spray 1 coat with aggregate and roll on 2 more coats.


Bottom paint restoration: Prep with 40, roll on primer, roll on 3 coats of preferred bottom paint.


New bottom paint: Prep with 80, roll on primer, roll on 3 coats of preferred bottom paint.


Hull and keel fairing: $75/ft plus 85/hr for labor.


Varnish: Scrape off old material, sand with 220, apply one coat, sand with 220, apply second coat, sand with 320, apply third coat, sand with 400, apply final coat.


Custom carpentry and teak:

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Customer service.

If the service you’re looking for isn’t listed. Don’t hesitate to reach out to inform us on what’s going on. We have seen it all, if we can’t fix it we will be able to point you to the person who can. When talking about and working on your project we promise to be precise and to keep you informed each step of the way.